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Interested in joining our team?

Interested in working at MEDC? We are always seeking enthusiastic new team members. If you have a passion for helping children learn, develop, and grow then this might be the right opportunity for you!


Are you an MEDC Parent? Would you like to serve on our Board of Directors?

The board of directors is a vital part of the MEDC program, overseeing and acting as an advisory council to MEDC leadership and ensuring that all aspects of the program are running correctly and meeting their utmost potential. It is comprised of a group of parent volunteers. Every parent must have a child currently attending MEDC to be eligible. The organizational structure of the board is loosely broken down into two groups; finance and HR.

The Board meets monthly, or on an as-needed basis if something urgent arises. As being a member of the board there are no direct perks (i.e. no discounts on tuition or fees, etc.), though it is a valuable opportunity to help shape the development of our program.

As both parents and professionals, board members bring a unique perspective to the program and help represent the needs of the families we serve. If you are interested in joining our board, please complete the brief form below. Thank you!